Acaye Kerunen: I Am All These Women Do, 20.06.2024
Galerie Kandlhofer is delighted to present I Am All These Women, a solo exhibition of works by Acaye Kerunen spanning sculpture, video, music and performance. This exhibition is testament to the evolving conversations of identity, materiality and the power of personal joy and expression. Bringing together a new body of work alongside video presentations initiated in 2021, this exhibition marks Acaye's inaugural presentation with the gallery and in Austria.

I Am All These Women explores the multifaceted nature of identity, with a particular consideration to the transitions that women constantly embody. Throughout her multidisciplinary career as an artist, curator, actress, writer and activist, Acaye challenges the narratives that flatten people and their experiences. The exhibited artworks query binary and restrictive societal expectations through frozen dance motifs and contentions inherent in the artworks both abstract as well as in the dolls.

PR (Kerstin)