Mo, 20.1.
Cabaret Fledermaus
ab: 21:00:00 bis: 04:00:00
Music: 80ies, Wave, Rock, Dark Electronics
Di, 21.1.
Mi, 22.1.
Do, 23.1.
Fr, 24.1.
Time of my Life im Campus Bräu:
Campus Bräu
ab: 17:00:00 bis: 04:00:00
Eintritt: VVK: Eintritt frei!
presented by: Campus Bräu
Music: Hits der 70er, 80er und 90er
, VJ:
powered by: Mr. Big & Friends
Time of my Life - Wir starten ins neue Jahr:
Campus Bräu
ab: 17:00:00 bis: 04:00:00
Eintritt: VVK: Eintritt frei!
presented by: Nock Campus Bräu Gastronomie Betriebs GmbH
Music: 70ér 80ér & 90ér
, VJ:
powered by: DJ Mr. Big & Friends
Sa, 25.1.
90ies & 2000s SINGLE Party <3:
The Loft
ab: 21:45:00 bis: 06:00:00
Eintritt: AK 9€ VVK: 1/6/9/12€ - Infos auf
presented by: The Loft
Music: 90ies & 2000s only!
<3 Gratis Status-Armbänder!, VJ:
powered by: Christopher Just (Ilsa Gold), Supertrash, Bianco Becky, Clark
So, 26.1.